An Actual Real Post--What A Concept!

The countdown has begun and we're now at T-4 days. I'm such a nerd,,,, But,Oh man, I'm so excited about the upcoming graduation--the first ever for me (for those of you who don't know me well enough to know that I dropped out of high school). It's been a fairly stress-free experience, though, I must say. I had the forethought to not unpack every earthly possession when I moved for the summer, so that's significantly reduced the amount of packing time this new move has required. Likewise, I also had the serendipitous good fortune of not having finals in my two classes that I've taken this summer. However, independent study physical science blows, in case you care.
Now, my family is here and the grand parentals arrive tomorrow, and then the festivities can officially begin. They can begin with helping me clean my house for check out! Just kidding. I would never subject my loved ones to manual labor in the un-air conditioned confines of my kitchen. That seems so very cruel. (Kind of like putting plants in hard to reach places knowing that they might never get watered...ok, way too much time watching Mitch Hedberg). But I digress.....
On a more personal note, I must say the idea of being in charge of my own classroom ranks itself among the more terrible-yet-thrilling things I've done in my life. And my feelings of leaving Provo are somewhat bittersweet. Who knew I'd ever feel that way? I don't like Provo because it's like adulthood with training wheels, and I certainly don't like it because of the weather. But there is something to be said for nostalgia and good memories. I've learned to love it here because this is where I've met so many wonderful people that I've come to love and adore. I actually picked a major, fell in love with teaching, developed into an educated person, and for the second time in my life can call is a place where I've accomplished something productive. (The fist was Houston where I completed my mission...the first thing I'd started and actually finished.) I've come to love it here. Interesting how we learn to love what we once hated all because we conquer trials and face fears.
The thought of returning to Houston is a most amazing anxious excitement! I remember walking down the streets of Alief and thinking to myself that it would be fun to come back to Houston as a teacher. Somewhere inside I knew I'd be back there. I just knew it. Additionally, I have the added confidence and assurance that the Lord wants me there and has work for me to do there, not just in my teaching. How exciting! It's like serving another mission, but I can go wherever I want and have unlimited miles! I can't help but feeling like everything that I was as a missionary--confident, outgoing, etc. will come back to me and that everything I came to know as "my best self" will begin to come to fruition there. Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but its this feeling and anticipation that comes every time I think about where I'll be and what I'll be doing. It makes me love my Heavenly Father so much more for the opportunities He has given me. I feel so blessed.
Ok, so I really didn't mean to wax so sentimental and quite so personal. But, I don't think I can really help it. I appreciate your indulging me in my expressions and promise that the next time I post I'll have good funny thoughts.
P.S. the picture was in anticipation of the upcoming graduation celebration. I came home yesterday after picking up the cap and gown which I am sporting in the picture anxious to try it on. So, my friend Darren humored me and pretended we were playing Harry Potter dress up. Thus the picture before the event.
Time to go to bed now. And now I have the hiccups. Lucky me.