My Adventures In A State Of Semi-Adulthood

I think the title says it all....

Friday, November 24, 2006

You may tell 12 people whatever you want...

I know I'm a copy cat, but I really like the idea and I can't get it out of my head. And, I can't sleep. So, here goes nothing:

1. You know me and see me like no one has ever known and seen me. I will always have a special place for you in my heart.

2. I am sorry I didn't go to your graduation. It was wrong and I won't miss the next one, I promise. You mean the world to me, and I miss you so much. And to your wife, I am sorry for being a jerk, and I really do want to be friends.

3. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry. I still cry over that note and not knowing what happened. I wish I had answers, and I wish I could know that you'd forgiven me. I want you to know that I never gossiped about you, though. I never slandered your name.

4. I miss you and our adventures. I can't wait to watch the "home videos" of our premortal and mortal lives. W If I could have a big sister, I'd want it to be you.

5. You are killing yourself. I know you know that already, but why do you have to be so stubborn and proud? Why can't you just quit and stick around for the next part of our lives? It's so hard to be ok with your choices when it so clearly effects us, too. I will miss you, but I'm more afraid for you than anything.

6. Thankyou. Thank you for doing your duty and more. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for helping me find my faith, for helping me find myself, for being my spiritual and emotional cheerleader, and my lifesaver in so many ways. Our friendship was meant to be.

7. Even though you're younger than me, in so many ways I look up to you.

8. I have these weird memories from childhood. What really happened? Do you remember? Did I make that up?

9. I'm glad you went first and that I followed. Thanks for ralleying the gang down here so we could be together forever.

10. I'm so glad I kept a journal, because as I read through it, I remember why.

11. I will move every summer for the rest of my life if it means I get to take a road trip with you. They are some of my favorite memories I have of spending time with you.

12. It is true, and you know it. I love you. I love your family. Please, please, please come back.


Blogger Jason Graham said...

You are welcome. D&C 50:22.

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrulations!! I am so happy and proud of you. Thatis great news. I wish I were going to be in Savannah to hear all about it. Seriously, I will miss all of you so much but please do take pictures for me.

6:59 AM  

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