Is It Possible For Shoes To Be Sexy?

I have this pair of beautiful, black leather, 4 inch heels that I love. My mother, blessed woman that she is, bought them in a moment of pre-graduation-festivities generosity. They were wildly expensive, but if you've tried buying shoes in a size 5 you'll know how difficult it is to find cute shoes that are small enough, and you'll know that sometimes you've gotta just suck it up and pay. Ah, the price of midget vanity....You have no idea how expensive being short can be! But I digress.
There is in our church building a most obnoxious pulpit that makes a sounds similar to what I imagine a moose's mating call to be whenever it moves up and down. Since I was speaking in church today, and am fairly short, I thought I'd minimize the moose calls by wearing the above mentioned beautiful, black leather, 4 inch heels. I rarely wear these shoes, mostly because they seem too dressy for normal every-day functioning, and they're 4 inch heels--that's quite a jump in stature for me! However, today I seized the opportunity to wear them. I was somewhat stunned at the feeling that I had as I wore them.
I found myself liking the extra height--I mean, what's not to love? I could see over the pulpit, I could look people in the eyes. It was fantastic. But, even more than I loved the height, I loved the way these shoes made me feel. I'm not even joking when I felt like I was attracted to my own legs when wearing these shoes. They are down right sexy, and I felt sexier in them. Is that a sin--to feel sexy at church? But I did! So my question is, is it possible for shoes to be sexy or is this how I would feel at 5'4" all the time? And if I were 5'4" wearing these amazing 4 inch heels, would I feel double sexy? These are answers I need to know! Because,given the way I felt in those shoes, if that really is the case than I believe I would have to invest in growth hormones, a pair of these amazing shoes in brown, and probably a good doctor to deal with the back problems such vanity is sure to induce.
What do you think???
Another reason why we're best friends.
I thought you were sexy before the shoes. :)
I thought you were sexy before the shoes. :)
Feel free to delete one of those... :) or copy it and make another.
i think i will leave it and let it soak in twice! its kinda nice to hear! I LOVE YOU, JASON!!!
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